Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pukul Anak?

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Kajian mengatakan anak yang ditepuk punggungnya atau didisiplinkan dengan cara yang kasar lebih berisiko menjadi pembuli, bertindak agresif bila dah besar nanti. Kesan boleh dilihat seawal umur 5 tahun

Seorang sarjana Islam yang banyak menulis tentang adab atau cara mendidik anak-anak berasaskan Islam iaitu Abdullah Naseh Ulwan dalam sebuah bukunya yang berjodol ” Tarbiah al-Aulad fi al-Islam” telah meletakkan beberapa syarat sebelum atau semasa merotan anak-anak sebagai antara tuntutan didikan.

Antara syarat untuk merotan anak-anak ialah sebagaimana berikut :

1. Ibubapa atau penjaga mestilah terlebih dahulu menggunakan segala usaha nasihat dan mendidik yang lain terlebih dahulu sebelum mengambil tindakan merotan apabila cara yang lembut sudah tidak berkesan

2. Tidak merotan anak-anak semasa dalam kedaan terlalu mara yang boleh menyebabkan kecederaan terhadap anak-anak

3. Tidak merotan di tempat-tempat larangan atau merbahaya seperti muka, kepala, dada dan perut anak-anak

4. Tindakan merotan kali pertama terhadap anak-anak mestilah perlahan, tidak terlalu kuat yang boleh menyakitkan samada di tangan atau kaki. Jika tidak berkesan untuk satu rotan maka terus dirotan sehingga tiga kali. Jika masih berdegil selepas dirotan sebanyak tiga kali maka boleh dirotan sehingga 10 kali tetapi jangan melebihi jumlah itu sebagaimana sebuah hadis nabi s.a.w yang bermaksud : Jangan merotan seseorang melebihi 10 kali melainkan dalam menjalankan hukum hudud Allah.

5. Tidak merotan anak-anak yang belum sampai umurnya 10 tahun sebagaimana sebuah hadis nabi s.a.w yang bermaksud : Perintahlah anak-anak kamu dengan sembahyang ketika berumur 7 tahun dan rotanlah mereka jika tidak sembahyang apabila berumur 10 tahun….

6. Apabila anak-anak meminta melalui lisan agar jangan merotannya ketika mahu dirotan buat kali pertama maka hendaklah diberi peluang kepada mereka berubah tanpa dirotan berserta dengan janji untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama selepas itu. Tindakan ini adalah lebih baik berbanding tetap merotan mereka

7. Ibubapa atau penjaga mestilah merotan sendiri anak-anak yang degil bukannya mewakilkannya kepada adik-beradik yang lain untuk melakukannya bagi mengelakkan timbulnya persengketaan antara adik-beradik.

8. Apabila anak-anak sudah baligh maka tindakan dalam merotan hendaklah lebih kerap dan diulangi sehingga anak-anak berubah ke arah yang baik serta menjauhi segala kesalahan yang dibuat selama ini

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tips Bila Demam

Kalau suhu lebih dari 37.5 tu dah demam dah. baby 3 bulan - anak 3 tahun, 39 darjah celcius.. tapi kalau baby newborn 38 dah kene pegi klinik

guna air nasi (air + nasi) untuk jelum/lap2 kepala anak..petua nie keluarga hubby yang amalkan untuk turunkan suhu

gunakan baju nipis..kalo pakai bju lengan panjg tukar pakai singlet lubang2 jer..suar pendek

lap2 kan bdn dgn tuala kecik yg dibasahkn ngn air bersuhu biasa..lap ketiak2, pelipat2, blakang telinga

buat air asm jawa sket..pastu sapu kat ubun2, ketiak..air asm bleh sejukkan bdn.

tampal cool fever

ru'yah sendiri...baca bismillah n al-fatihah..tiupkan ke air, bagi anak minum. dan juga tiupkan kepada anak...moga2 Allah cara yg ma'thur dari nabiboleh juga guna air yang ni utk lap2kan badan anak...kalau masa kecik dulu kami guna air kelapa utk rukyah..

ramasan daun resam dijaram ke badan dan kepala

demam boleh dok dalam aircond..tambah2 demam panas..penah dulu anak demam panas...kena tahan kat wad.. time malam anak gigil2.. ingatkan dia sejuk..nurse cakap x apa biarkan dia... panas dari dalam nk kuar.. lepas tu baru dia ok kebah demamnya

pasal demam on and off atau hanya demam malam pun kena bawa gi jumpa doc/paed, berkemungkinan ada virus/infection, bahaya gak klu lambat dikesan

Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan kepanasan suhu ialah dengan meletakkan tapak tangan kanan diatas dahi anak, sebaiknya berwudhulah dahulu..letakkan dengan waktu yang lama sehingga panas menyerap kedalam tangan kita, kemudian kita basuh tangan dnegan air, kemudian letakkan kembali tapak tangan didahi anak, insyallah cepat sembuh

nurse tuh suruh bukak semua baju die kecuali diaper je..pastu die suruh ambil air dlm besen..pakai kain napkin dan lap sekerap yg mungkin..kalau mandikan basahkan kaki dulu pastu slow2 naik ke kepala.mandi pagi2 dlm kul 8pg dan ptg dalam kul 5ptg..

masa lap kan baby tuh memang biar die basah..kalau kite nampak die dah menggigil,stop dulu lap..selimutkan pakai kain nipis sekejap sampai die hilang gigil..

lagi nurse tuh suruh bukak kipas kuat ckit..bila tanya pakar kat situ, die kata bila kita lap badan anak yg panas tuh,butir2 air akan meruap,so butir2 air yg meruap tadi tuh akan membawa bersama haba dalam badan anak.sebab tuh kite kena sentiasa lap anak tuh.

pastu memang kena pujuk anak utk minum lebih cecair..kalau kita selimutkan dan pakaikan baju tebal2 mcmmana haba dari badan nak selalunya tk pandai nak kontrol haba badan..kalau org dewasa mcm kite memang boleh..sebab tu kite org dewasa bila demam selimut supaya peluh..tapi budak kecil lain,kondisi badan die tk sama ngan kita

basahkan kain, letakkan kt celah ketiak sbb kate doc,waktu demam, leher & ketiak adalah tmpat y paling panas.

senantiasa ada thermometer di rumah. demam, check suhu every half an hour. catit. bila ada peningkatan suhu, check every 15 mins.

dalam masa yang sama lakukan spongy exercise. buka baju dan lap keseluruhan badan, atau bilas badan. pakaikan pakaian dari jenis kain kapas. biar berangin sikit.

minum air banyak. buat air barli ke, air glukos ke. vit C... sebagai kudapan.

beri minum air kelapa muda. Kelapa muda juga ada kandungan elektrolit sama macam 100+

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to Handle a Picky Eater

Why is my toddler such a picky eater?

Eating solid food is still a new experience for your toddler. He may need time to get used to the various textures, colors, and tastes of new food. And because young children crave consistency and familiarity (from bedtime routines to afternoon snacks), most of them won't try new foods until you've served them numerous times.

That said, this is a great time to teach your child to try new things, before he gets too set in his ways and before he begins to reject new foods as a way of asserting his independence (a distinct possibility as he nears his second birthday!). Offer a variety of healthy foods often, so he has the opportunity to dig in when he's ready — if not at lunch, then maybe during an afternoon snack.

Tips for introducing new foods to a picky eater

Your child has an innate sense of how much food his body needs to grow and be healthy, and it's up to him to decide what he's going to eat. The best thing you can do is to provide a wide variety of healthful foods in a positive, relaxed environment so that mealtimes will be enjoyable for everyone. Here are some specific tips on how to handle a picky eater:

• Serve a variety of good foods for your toddler to eat at each meal. When you do offer a new food, simply place it on your child's highchair tray without making a a big deal about it. Make sure the food you choose is age-appropriate.

• Introduce new foods one at a time and in small amounts. Instead of offering an entire meal of unfamiliar foods, for example, offer standard fare or favorites along with something new. Always offer a meal that includes at least one thing you know your toddler likes. And try to schedule a new food when you know your child is hungry — a snack of mango slices when he has the afternoon munchies, for example.

• Use toddler-size portions. A serving of bread for a 1-year-old is only 1/4 slice, and a serving of rice, potatoes, or pasta is only about 2 tablespoons — much smaller than an adult serving size.

• Understand that some children's palates are more sensitive than others' and they simply won't like the texture, color, or taste of some foods. That's why a child might claim to dislike a food he has never even tried. Likewise, some children may reject a food because it reminds them of a time when they were sick, or because they have some other negative association with it.

• Look for ways to boost the nutritional value of the dishes your toddler enjoys. Add some wheat germ or diced chicken to his macaroni casserole and little chunks of fruit to his favorite cereal, for example.

• Resist the urge to offer sugary foods in an effort to get your toddler to eat more. You want to develop his sense of culinary adventure, not his sweet tooth!

• Minimize distractions at the table. If a sibling is running around nearby, or a cartoon beckons from across the room, your toddler may have trouble maintaining interest in the food being served. Try to make meals relaxed and quiet.

How can I get my toddler to eat a wider variety of foods?

It's not realistic to expect a toddler to embrace a wide range of foods. In the long run, the example you set by serving and enjoying all sorts of healthy foods — at home and on the go — is one of the best ways to help your child learn to eat well. But for now, your toddler's decision to eat only a few things is his choice, and it's important to let him learn to make his own decisions about food from the get-go.

"A child needs to be in control of what he eats," says Nancy Hudson, a registered dietitian at the University of California, Berkeley. That's because forcing a toddler to eat a food he doesn't like or a quantity he can't handle may set him up for problems later on: Children who are never allowed to make food decisions themselves (such as deciding when they're full) are at a greater risk for developing eating disorders or becoming obese later in life. What's more, your strategy will almost always backfire because forcing your toddler to try new foods will only make him more stubborn and less open to trying new things in the future.

If your toddler seems to be eating nothing but cheese and crackers for days on end, don't worry. Start keeping a record of what your toddler eats and you'll probably find that he's hitting all the major food groups and getting the necessary nutrients over the course of a week. Studies from the American Dietetic Association show that children — even those whose parents consider them "picky eaters" — generally consume a wide enough variety of foods to meet their nutritional requirements. If you really don't think your toddler is eating well, ask your doctor whether it makes sense to give him a daily multivitamin.

How can I tell whether my child is really getting enough to eat if he's not growing?

Don't panic if it seems like your toddler isn't growing fast enough. Children don't always grow at a steady pace and there will be times when your child doesn't seem to be growing at all. Your toddler won't grow at nearly the same rate as he did in his first year of life. Keep in touch with your doctor if you're concerned about your child's weight gain, but don't convey your concerns to your child. If you're constantly hovering at mealtime, or wheedling, cajoling, and counting calories, he's likely to become even more resistant to eating.

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